4 dossiers
Local innovations to finance cities and regions
Housing policies in Europe facing the crisis
- Europe : pas sans toit ! Le logement en question
What do we mean by service of general interest ?
57 analysis
- Le compte carbone est-il liberticide ?
- PAP 62 : Post-oil tourism, a delicate transition
- Solidarity land, a response to the housing crisis in Europe
- The circular economy, a model for the ecological transition
- Paysages et Territoires
- The Climate Conferences - What role for regions and territories in the control of quotas and financing ?
- The Climate Conferences - Deepening action through public and private investment and regulation
- PAP 45 : For the love of beautiful foliage
- Où vont les métropoles ? Le retour du modèle américain ?
- Nature, enjeux, méthodes, gouvernance et outils des communautés apprenantes
- L’énergie fossile
- Landscape and democracy: factors of success or failure of participatory democracy applied to landscape
- Landscape and democracy: contemporary forms of participatory democracy applied to landscape
- Landscape and democracy: evolution of the democratic exercise in the context of globalisation, relationship to landscape
- Landscape and democracy : ways of exercising democracy and scales of governance
- Landscape and democracy: lessons from the political history of territorial governance
- Paysage et démocratie : enseignements de l’histoire politique de la gouvernance territoriale
- Landscape and public economy: a holistic vision
- Landscape and employment: beyond the labour market
- Landscape and welfare economy: can landscape renew the welfare economy?
- Economic dimension of landscape: the hyphens
- Landscape and Advertising
- Landscape and leisure
- Paysage et loisir
- Landscape and territory: the landscape management process
- Systèmes jacobins et systèmes fédéraux : des discours opposés, des pratiques qui convergent
- Les services d’intérêt général en Europe, une palette de modèles possibles
- The territorial anchoring of education : a major condition for the transformation of education systems and territories
- Urban Renewal as a Challenge for European Urban Development in the 21st century
- Territorialiser l’action publique et les services publics
- Consolider une gouvernance participative de l’action publique et des services publics (Texte de support)
- What scales of government for the regulation of densification ?
- La mise à l’agenda politique de la densification : des facteurs scientifiques, politiques et sociaux
- The school, an actor of its territory
- Moving towards a possible synergy between urban and rural territories
- What solutions can help bring back the creation of wealth to local communities?
- Reducing Costs and Investing for Tomorrow: strategies and operational solutions for optimising public resources management
- Rethinking Borrowing and Promoting Leverage of European Funds
- The informal economy in European cities
- Why is there still economic diversity in cities?
- Diversité des profils économiques : commentaires de quelques typologies…
- Organization of transport and mobility for people and goods
- Financialization and questioning of social housing in France and in Europe
- Green recovery versus environmental justice
- La coopération entre collectivités locales par-delà les frontières ou coopération transfrontalière
- Le logement locatif social en Europe
- Le logement aidé, l’accession à la propriété
- Dans l’économie-monde dominée par la spéculation financière, le droit au logement n’existe pas
- Conclusions
- Politiques intégrées et coopérations territoriales : le nouveau vocabulaire de la gouvernance urbaine
- Les politiques de logement social en Europe.
- Du démantèlement des politiques nationales du logement à la crise du néo-libéralisme
- Logement : les nouvelles fissures européennes
- What principles for public services ?
- Services Directive : reversing the process
- Services d’intérêt général : de quel cadre communautaire avons-nous besoin ?
- L’européanisation des services publics
16 case studies
- EURES in cross-border regions
- Enquêter, débattre, s’engager… pour des sociétés durables
- PAP 56 : Reading landscapes in the open air, learning to read our living environments together
- Access to Technology and Services across the EU Regional Divide
- Allocation of tradable allowances to all, to drive the energy transition
- Our cities after COVID-19: the Leipzig Charter still relevant
- Nos villes après la COVID-19: la charte de Leipzig toujours aussi pertinente
- Paysages et transitions : réponses à travers l’Europe
- Sustainable Tourism in Europe
- Les échelles de la démocratie participative : du territoire à l’Europe - Entretien avec Karl Heinz Lambertz, Ministre-président de la Communauté germanophone de Belgique et Premier vice-président du Comité des Régions de l’Union Européenne
- Enquêter, débattre, s’engager … pour des sociétés durables : présentation de la dynamique « Prenons soin de la Planète » et des enjeux du dossier
- Local sustainability in Nantes (France) and Reykjavík (Iceland)
- In praise of slowness : Let’s slow down the city !
- REIT revolution in Europe
- Le secteur de l’électricité et du gaz en Europe
- Le service postal en Europe
60 proposals
- Local happiness: New goals, new stories
- Making Territory: Cultivating local happiness!
- What kind of education system for what kind of society?
- Is the carbon account liberticide?
- Individual carbon budgets or quotas
- Derechos o presupuestos individuales de carbono
- Les quotas ou budgets carbone individuels
- Osons les territoires - Créer au niveau national, européen et mondial les conditions de la transition
- Osons les territoires - Les conditions à réunir pour faire des territoires des acteurs pivot de la transition
- Osons les territoires !
- The Climate Conferences - What solutions are possible to meet the obligation of result ?
- The Climate Conferences - Are we collectively taking responsibility for global warming?
- The Climate Conferences - The European Union’s obligation to achieve results in the face of climate change
- Osons les territoires - Une boussole : reconstruire la relation
- PAP 43 : Paysages de terrasses
- Transition Factory Alliance Charter
- La charte d’alliance de la Fabrique des transitions
- Perspectives for European recreational landscapes
- Specific proposals to national and regional public authorities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention through the promotion of landscape education in primary and secondary schools
- General proposals to national public authorities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
- Propositions des jeunes européens pour l’éducation au changement climatique
- Energy Cities proposition 35 - Think commercial urban planning differently to improve quality of life
- Energy Cities proposition 34 - Implement goods delivery schemes
- Energy Cities proposition 33 - Design a street code to favour walking and cycling
- Energy Cities proposition 32 - Transform railway stations into territorial structuring hubs
- Energy Cities proposition 31 - Plan modal shift to sustainable transport
- Energy Cities proposition 30 - Ensure that new neighbourhoods are 100% renewable
- Energy Cities proposition 29 - Prepare an energy retrofitting plan for the whole building stock
- Energy Cities proposition 28 - Make planning system drive territory’s energy transition
- Energy Cities proposition 27 - Use town twinning as a springboard for energy transition
- Energy Cities proposition 26 - Make arts and culture part of the energy transition process
- Energy Cities proposition 25 - Raise opportunities for experimenting new practices to encourage their dissemination
- Energy Cities proposition 24 - Give public visibility to motivated players and citizens
- Energy Cities proposition 22 - Cross departmental links to avoid silo mentality
- Energy Cities proposition 21 - Create interface capacities between public authorities and the civil society
- Energy Cities proposition 20 - Set up financial structures dedicated to the energy transition
- Energy Cities proposition 19 - Dedicate human capacities in financial engineering
- Energy Cities proposition 18 - Integrate future energy prices in the economic calculations made prior to investment decisions
- Energy Cities proposition 17 - Collect local savings and invest them in sustainable local energy projects
- Energy Cities proposition 16 - Keep money spent on energy near to home
- Energy Cities proposition 15 - Encourage the development of a more endogenous economy to increase territories’ resilience
- Energy Cities proposition 14 - Make better use and share what already exists instead of always buying more
- Energy Cities proposition 13 - Make the best use of energy and material flows by encouraging synergies between players
- 2.4 – Energy Cities proposition 12 - Create and implement a territorial biowaste action plan
- Energy Cities proposition 11 - Prepare a local heat plan to match need and available resource
- Energy Cities proposition 10 - Identify local energy potential in order to live within our means
- Energy Cities proposition 09 - Know the territory’s metabolism so as to optimise local potential and reduce the impact of human activities on the ecosystem
- Energy Cities proposition 08 - Be part of regional, national and European networks to gain exposure to others’ experience
- Energy Cities proposition 07 - Prepare an Energy Transition Action Plan
- Energy Cities proposition 06 - Lead by example by transforming municipal energy management
- Energy Cities proposition 05 - Eradicate local fuel poverty
- Energy Cities proposition 04 - Co-create a long-term vision to shape all policies
- Energy Cities proposition 03 - Ensure public budgets integrate positive and negative energy externalities
- Energy Cities proposition 02 - Unite all stakeholders in a local energy alliance
- Energy Cities proposition 01 - Take local control of energy supply
- The archipolis (or the framed metropolis)
- Où en est-on fin 2013 dans la lutte contre le changement climatique ?
- La Carta de alianza de la Fábrica de transiciones
- Régions urbaines, villes et quartiers, cœurs des stratégies de développement soutenable en Europe
- Evaluer les performances des services d’intérêt économique général
30 resources
- Some European programmes that can be mobilised for the SSE
- Biodiversity and landscapes: European LIFE funding programme
- Former sous influence internationale : circulation, emprunts et transferts, Régis Malet
- The URBACT IV programme - 2021-2027: driving change for better cities
- The Climate Conferences - Presentation of equal carbon quotas
- The new Leipzig Charter
- The New Leipzig Charter
- Dry stone, a contribution to the sustainable development of the territories
- Charter for indoor and outdoor LED lighting
- Petit traité d’œconomie
- Landscape and education
- Landscape and wind turbines
- Pour une Assemblée instituante européenne
- Les marchés fonciers ruraux
- Euro-Chinese Pact multi-stakeholder partnership
- Des exemples de spécialisations économiques qui perdurent en Europe
- Ressources du dossier « Transports terrestres et changement climatique »
- Quand les villes respirent, la société progresse
- Sauvons la démocratie !
- Energie et développement durable
- La seconde étape du Comité des Régions Européennes
- La gentrification : entre production et consommation
- Services sociaux d’intérêt général - SSIG
- La réforme de la PAC à la lumière du panel de citoyens sur l’espace rural européen
- Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities
- Charte de Leipzig sur la ville européenne durable
- Innovative concepts in public transport : 4 innovative examples
- Convention Européenne des Collectivités locales pour la promotion des services publics : des zones « hors AGCS »
- Fonder la gouvernance européenne sur le principe de subsidiarité active
- The European Landscape Convention