Energy Cities proposition 06 - Lead by example by transforming municipal energy management

Empowering local players


Energy Cities

Energy Cities is a network of more than 1,000 cities in 30 different countries. Convinced that energy transition is more than a question of renewable energy or advanced technologies, Energy Cities proposes to use resources in a reasoned way, to strengthen local participation and to improve the quality of life in a democratic Europe. In 2014, the network presents 30 proposals for the Energy Transition of Territories.

They are a source of inspiration to think and act differently. To finally turn the page on unsustainable practices that lead us into energy, climate and perhaps economic and social dead ends.

To download : cahier_short_jan2014_en.pdf (6.8 MiB)

Energy Cities proposition 06 - Lead by example by transforming municipal energy management

Municipalities need energy for their buildings and various facilities, like street lighting, computers, water pumping and treatment as well as waste management systems. This represents 3-5% of their territories’ total energy requirements. It might be inferred from the above that this is negligible. On the contrary! It is possible to have a direct effect on energy and budgetary expenditure, with quick results. The required investments can often be financed from the savings made, a totally different situation when compared to other types of public investment which only generate additional operating expenses, year after year.

Committed, exemplary municipalities showing results are more credible when it comes to encouraging their populations to use less energy, more efficiently.


Introduce –or reinforce– a voluntary energy consumption reduction policy in municipal buildings and other facilities.

Continuous implementation can result in up to 50% savings when no action has previously been taken. Some savings require no investment. A long-term plan aimed at retrofitting all properties by 2050, which means a yearly rate of 3%, is reasonable.

Conditions for success


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