Citizens’ capacity to indicate positions on complex issues: technical democracy

Jacques Testart, Cyril Fiorini, 2016

Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (Sciences Citoyennes), Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT)

Production of knowledge and access to knowledge are of great importance to participative democracy. This session looks at relationships between citizen participation, access to knowledge and (co)production of knowledge. On the basis of case studies, sequences in the session will examine the different ways that citizens participate in knowledge production and decision-making on issues that require a high level of understanding of technical points. This session invites us to look at participative democracy from another perspective, to set aside relationships between citizens and elected officials (political decisions) and examine the importance of the relationship between citizens and experts.

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Recherche participative

Conférences et conventions de citoyens

4 analysis

2 case studies

9 resources