From public service to governance regimes applicable to various goods and services
Pierre Calame, August 2016
Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT)
Session 9 addresses another fundamental issue of governance: what legitimacy does the market have? What should be governed by simple market forces and what by other ‘governance regimes’? What are the other possible governance regimes? Can this debate be reduced to the opposition between private and public goods?
Pierre Calame shows that another approach must be adopted, and suggests using the sharing test to classify governance regimes for goods and services in the four following categories: assets that are destroyed when shared, assets that are divided when shared but are finite in quantity, assets that are divided when shared but exist in an undetermined quantity and assets that are multiplied when shared. To conclude, he briefly delineates the resulting types of governance regimes, but the governance regimes of the future must be fleshed out in the field, taking other characteristics of goods and services into account.
This dossier is not available in English. Please contact us if you want to help us translate part of our contents.
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Ali Brac de la Perrière R., Semences paysannes, plantes de demain, FPH, 2014, 226 pages.Accéder au réseau Semences Paysannes
Anna Di Robilant. Propriété et délibération : une nouvelle forme de propriété commune. In : « Protéger les générations futures par les biens communs ». Tendances de la cohésion sociale n°26. Conseil de l’Europe. 2014
Le Roy E., La terre de l’autre. Une anthropologie des régimes d’appropriation foncière. Ed LGDJ. Coll. « droit et société. Paris 2011. Accéder au document
6 analysis
- Le retour des communs
- Les biens qui se détruisent en se partageant
- Les biens qui se divisent en se partageant mais sont en quantité finie
- Les biens qui se détruisent en se partageant mais sont en quantité illimitée
- Les biens qui se multiplient en se partageant
- Diversité des caractéristiques des biens et services