Tools for understanding and managing territorial ecosystems
Pierre Calame, August 2016
Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT)
During this 5th session, we will look at tools for understanding and managing territorial ecosystems. Since the mid-1990’s and the success of Local Agendas 21, we are seeing a convergence of these initiatives through networks such as Ecocity, Energycities and ICLEI. Yet while these dynamic groups are often better informed on the role of actors, sectorial or pilot policies, mobility policy, eco-neighbourhoods, etc., they may lack a global understanding of the ‘territorial bio-socio-technical system’ due to a loss of empirical knowledge of the territory. Pierre Calame explains the reasons for this phenomenon, and demonstrates a city’s need to reconstruct knowledge of itself and of the systems of relationships underlying its organisation.
This knowledge also requires the creation of specific institutions. Remember what Jean Monnet said: « Nothing is possible without men; nothing is lasting without institutions. » In the case of France, prospectivist Thierry Gaudin also underlines, concerning the French context, the importance of the convergence of political will and “corps of activist experts”. With all this in mind, we will propose the concept of a territorial oeconomic agency. The purpose of this tool is to design new ways of producing knowledge of the metabolism of the city and its territory, in order to manage the city and bring it to the forefront in long-term projects. We will see that this co-production of knowledge requires the mobilisation of local actors, who are faced with real dilemmas, in particular with regard to collective preferences and individual choices.
This dossier is not available in English. Please contact us if you want to help us translate part of our contents.
Calame P., Écologie territoriale et oeconomie, Conférence à Dijon, organisée par Alterre Bourgogne (Agence régionale pour l’environnement et le développement soutenable), le 8 décembre 2010, Ed. Charles Léopold Mayer, 8 décembre 2010, 38 pages.
Calame P., L’agencement institutionnel de l’oeconomie territoriale et le concept d’Agence Oeconomique Territoriale, extrait du livre Essai sur l’œconomie, Éd. Charles Léopold Mayer, 2009, 608 pages
Calame P., Synthèse à chaud d’Ecocity, rapporteur général de la conférence, FPH, 27 septembre 2013, 6 pages : Synthese-generale-du-sommet
Calame M., Une agriculture pour le XXIe siècle : Manifeste pour une agronomie biologique, Ed. Charles Léopold Mayer, 2007. Np
Magnin G., Vers la transition énergétique des territoires en Europe, 2012 : Vers-la-transition-energetique-des territoires
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5 analysis
- Des agendas 21 locaux à une approche systémique de la transition
- La modernité, créatrice d’ignorance
- Membranes et frontières : la gestion des écosystèmes territoriaux dans une économie monde
- Doter les territoires d’outils adaptés de connaissance et d’action: le concept d’Agence œconomique territoriale
- De la schizophrénie à la cohérence : du socialisme municipal à une démocratie économique locale
2 case studies
- Nyíregyháza (HU) - When it comes to digital, it’s still about people
- Tartu (EE) - Increasing citizen participation in eGovernance