Territorial governance (Open and Massive Online Courses)
Pierre Calame, August 2016
Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT)
The National Centre for Territorial Public Service (CNFPT) has launched its « online conference cycles ». These conferences are open to all and can be consulted on the France Université Numérique platform.
It is within the framework of this CNFPT project that Pierre Calame, president of CITEGO, carried out a series of e-conferences on Territorial Governance. You can now view the entire course (in French) and access the materials from our website.
This dossier is not available in English. Please contact us if you want to help us translate part of our contents.
Territorial governance is at the crossroads of two changes, both decisive in reconciling citizens with politics, in meeting the demands of an increasingly complex world, in leading the transition to sustainable societies.
The first of these changes is that of governance. The second is that of the territories.
Training in territorial governance cannot therefore be limited to promoting management techniques inspired by the private sector. It must be based on an understanding of the two changes, their consequences for local and regional authorities, and lead to operational approaches and guides for action.
(in translation)
Session 1: Did you say governance ?
Session 2: Did you say territory?
Session 3: The change in the foot of governance
Session 4: The territory, a unique actor in the transition from economy to oeconomy
Session 5: Tools for knowledge and management of territorial ecosystems
Session 6: The art of governance applied to territorial governance
Session 7: Territorial management of stakeholder relations
Session 8: Managing the relationship between governance levels and the principle of active subsidiarity
Session 9: From public service to governance regimes applicable to different goods and services
Session 10: Leading strategies for change at the territorial level
Session 11: Territories and globalization : The challenge of international networks of cities and territories
Session 12: Overview of territorial governance : Learning together to manage and transform a complex system
Bonus session on Latin America :International focus : Governance in Latin America
These twelve conferences follow the progress, from prospective reflection to concrete management tools.
This will begin with a general reflection on the conditions for the emergence of the concept of governance, which will show that beyond the fashion effect, it is indeed an intellectual revolution that is at stake (1).
Then we will move on to the « territorial recovery », the reasons why, after having been erased in front of the State, territories once again become central actors in governance and transition (2).
The following conferences are devoted to changing the perspective of governance (3), the new role of territories in the economy (4 and 5) and then to applying the theory of governance (6, 7) to the territory, in order to focus on the relationships between governance levels, governance regimes and the conduct of change strategies at the territorial (8, 9, 10) and global (11) levels. A « bonus » conference will deepen governance in Latin America.
The last session (12) will close this training by presenting a tool, the relational atlas, to identify and visualize the very many relationships that should make the territories rich.
Each session includes :
on average 5 videos to watch
any texts to be read (including the full texts of the conferences available in pdf)
participation in specialized forums (via the FUN platform)
a quiz at the end of the session to test yourself on the knowledge acquired (via the FUN platform)
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