Climate programmes, plans, financial instruments and mechanisms (PCAET, PCET, TEPCV, TEPOS, etc.)
4 analysis
- PAP 80: Oléron, landscapes in the background
- Urban adaptation in Europe
- Le compte carbone est-il liberticide ?
- The Climate Conferences - Deepening action through public and private investment and regulation
23 case studies
- El programa chino de ciudades esponja
- The Grenoble metropolis and energy sobriety
- Tramayes, a positive-energy small town of the future
- The « Plan Climat Air Energy » of Grenoble has been updated following a participatory process.
- Grenoble - Metropolitan action, a driving force for transition
- Heidelberg - Sustainable Living for All
- Souss Massa - Meeting new energy demands through renewables
- Thuringia - Decision-making supported by science
- Santiago de Cali - Emerging stocks, solid foundations
- Québec - El sistema de « cap-and-trade » en el corazón de la estrategia
- Hong Kong - Gasification of the electricity mix
- Minas Gerais - Agriculture, a central issue
- Quebec - The cap-and-trade system at the heart of the strategy
- Québec - Le système de plafonnement et d’échange des droits d’émissions au cœur de la stratégie
- Accra - Towards carbon neutrality by 2050
- Calgary - An integrated, multi-level climate plan
- Dakar - A first step taken to mobilize civil society
- Freiburg im Breisgau - An action plan to be renewed?
- Paris - A new climate plan, the result of a wide-ranging consultation process
- Quito - Protecting ecosystems to reduce its carbon footprint
- Environmental strategy of the Grand Genève regional project
- Pays de l’Albigeois et des Bastides : accompagner les particuliers et les communes dans la transition énergétique
- L’atelier climat de Nantes métropole : une initiative originale de participation
11 proposals
- Is the carbon account liberticide?
- Individual carbon budgets or quotas
- Derechos o presupuestos individuales de carbono
- Les quotas ou budgets carbone individuels
- La cuenta de carbono parece hacer recaer el esfuerzo exclusivamente en los ciudadanos. ¿Y las empresas?
- The carbon account seems to put the effort solely on the citizens. What about companies?
- Le compte carbone semble faire porter l’effort uniquement sur les citoyens. Quid des entreprises ?
- Articuler les démarches territoriales de transition
- The Climate Conferences - The political lessons of the Climate Conferences
- The Climate Conferences - Can action through price signals lead to an obligation of result and under what conditions?
- The Climate Conferences - What solutions are possible to meet the obligation of result ?
7 resources
- Government schemes that can be used by local authorities to support reindustrialisation
- Biodiversity and landscapes: European LIFE funding programme
- ‘Nature in priority neighbourhoods’ What are we talking about?
- Summary of the IPCC AR6 report III
- Summary of the IPCC AR6 report II
- Summary of the IPCC AR6 report
- Comprendre et suivre la COP26