Cities on the frontline: local practices for active inclusion in Sofia

Faculteta health and social community centre services for disadvantaged Roma children and families


The EUROCITIES Network of Local Authority Observatories on Active Inclusion (EUROCITIES-NLAO) is a dynamic network of nine European cities – Barcelona, Birmingham, Bologna, Brno, Copenhagen, Lille Métropole - Roubaix, Rotterdam, Sofia and Stockholm – each with a Local Authority Observatory (LAO) within its administration. Their aim is to share information, promote mutual learning and carry out research on the implementation of the active inclusion strategies at the local level.

In this case, as part of its aim to combat poverty and social exclusion and to integrate Roma people into the wider society, Sofia city council is implementing a specific programme of measures to support vulnerable children and families at risk. Sofia’s social services directorate is responsible for developing and implementing this programme over the coming years.

À télécharger : sofiaonthefrontline.pdf (590 Kio)

En savoir plus

Cities on the frontline: local practices for active inclusion. This report showcases how nine European cities are on the frontline of building social cohesion through effective and efficient active inclusion policies. These examples show that, by virtue of their local insight and delivery expertise, city authorities are critical partners in implementing active inclusion and delivering the Social Investment Package. On the frontline of exclusion, cities are the key players in supporting and empowering people to become active and participating members of society.