Urban Renewal in East-Central Europe

Krisztina Keresztély, 2016

Comparative Research Network

In Europe, there are and there will be a variety of answers to urban renewal according to countries, large regions and cities, with their local histories, societies, cultures and habits. Central Eastern European countries represent a specific development path and very specific challenges for urban renewal that will be detailed in this dossier. When speaking about this specific region situated between the western and eastern parts of Europe, we speak about a region that is characterised by a particular and extremely complex political and economic path and cultural identity. This dossier analyses different case studies of urban renewal policies in East Central Europe and highlights three main issues: political transition impacts (decentralisation, privatisation); the need of conceiving adapted policies; the coherence and coordination between multilateral, national and local policies and projects; and the important needs on participation and empowering civil societies.

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3 analysis

8 case studies

A proposal

2 resources