Fabio Mattioli
Fabio Mattioli is captivated by the paradoxes of social life, especially those generated by financial flows and urban politics in Southern and Eastern Europe. Throughout his nomadic academic career, Fabio has developed an acute personal and theoretical sensibility for economic inequality and peripheralization. Currently, Fabio is developing a book project that explores the connection between finance and authoritarianism at the fringe of Europe. Analyzing the construction industry in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, the book illustrates how non-democratic regimes can hijack urban financialization to produce illiquidity and penetrate the intimate life of their citizens. Prior to joining NYU, Fabio obtained a PhD in Anthropology from the CUNY Graduate Center, a MA in Anthropology from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris, France), and a BA in Political Philosophy from the University of Florence (Italy).
Contributions in CITEGO
A dossier
14 analysis
- Régime de l’apartheid en Afrique du sud : espaces publics et ségrégation raciale
- Nouvelles technologies et transformations des espaces publics urbains
- Les Sans Domicile Fixe
- Les Gated Communities : la peur des autres dans l’espace urbain.
- Les camps de réfugiés : espaces d’accueil temporaire
- Les banlieues au quotidien : diversité des situations
- La restauration comme espace social et politique
- Du « bon » usage des espaces du métro
- Dimensions politiques et relations sociales dans les Centres commerciaux
- Développement durable et justice sociale
- Les banlieues au quotidien : Diversité des situations
- Forme de l’espace et vie sociale
- Face au politique, quelle parole habitante ?
- Critique ou participation ?