Faced with global warming, move to an obligation of result?

The fight against global warming: from an obligation of means to an obligation of means

Register yourself for the nine-debate cycle, Thursday, February 11 to April 8, 2021

Dear friends,

On November 12, 2020, a tribune signed by more than one hundred personalities appeared in Ouest France. Here is an excerpt:

"The report of the High Council for the Climate in October 2020 shows that our carbon footprint increased from 1995 to 2005 and has been decreasing since then, and is now around 11.5 tons per inhabitant per year, the same level as in 1995. Since 2010, imported emissions have exceeded domestic emissions. A radical change in our model of life and development is needed. Who still doubts it? But how can we change gears? With what economic tools? Mum’s the word.
Let’s organize an open debate in France on how to live up to the commitments we make. Let’s move from an obligation of means to an obligation of results. We are committed to capping our overall annual carbon footprint and reducing it by 6 to 7% per year. Let’s publicly debate how to do this by reconciling the effectiveness of the means committed with the requirement of social justice

Yes, let’s debate it publicly! In the wake of this forum, we have pooled our thoughts to come up with a cycle of nine two-hour video conference debates, every Thursday afternoon starting February 11. You will find attached the presentation of the nine sessions.

With the exception of the first session, which will take place from 4:00 to 5:30 pm, the other sessions will be held from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. All sessions will be organized on the Zoom platform on the same model: one topic; two to four high-level speakers; the possibility for participants to ask questions and an online survey to identify the most important issues; a response from the speakers; a synthesis.

Participation is free of charge but requires registration on the Assises du climat website.

We will limit registration to one hundred and fifty people to allow questions and answers to remain manageable. You can register either for the entire cycle or for a specific session. Participants will be selected in the following manner: priority will be given to those who commit to attending the entire cycle; and priority will be given according to the order of registration.

This cycle is the fruit of a personal initiative of the small group at the origin of the forum for debate, to avoid a voluntary or involuntary recuperation by a particular network, Olivier Pastor ensures its technical organization, Pierre Calame (blog.pierre-calame.fr) and Armel Prieur (armel[@]brouette.eu) ensure its intellectual organization.