MOOC - Territorial Governance
2016 - Dissemination of the MOOC Territorial Governance by the International Centre for the Study of Local Development (CIEDEL); Escuela para el desarrollo - 2015 - 2016 - Achievement of the MOOC Territorial Governance: CNFPT-INSET
Territorial governance is at the crossroads of two changes, both of which are decisive for reconciling citizens with politics, for responding to the demands of an increasingly complex world, and for leading the transition towards sustainable societies.
The first of these changes is that of governance. The second is that of territories.
Training in territorial governance cannot, therefore, be limited to promoting management techniques inspired by the private sector. It must be based on an understanding of the two changes and their consequences at the level of local and regional authorities, and lead to operational approaches and guides for action.
This MOOC, which was broadcast three times on the FUN platform, brought together more than 11,000 learners from 60 countries.
(Sessions are only available in French)
Session 1: You said governance ?
- Annual Lecture Series Objectives
- Governance: An Old and Updated Concept-
- Fabricating a fake concept: Good governance
- Shift Theory-
- The example of France
Session 2: You said territory?
- The Revenge of the Territories
- The territories: the back
- But basically, what’s a territory?
- Redefining a Territory
- Announcing future thinking on the new role of territories
Session 3: The changing face of governance
- The central challenge of governance: reconciling stability and adaptability
- The Tripod of Governance in a Stable Society-
- The Tripod of Governance in a Changing Society-
- Shared Ethics: The Central Concept of Co-Responsibility
- From procedural democracy to process democracy. Politics as ethics and method
Session 4: The territory, unique actor of the transition from economy to oeconomy
- The different capitals of a territory
- Hidden Capital: Intangible Capital
- The territory as a central actor in the transition toward sustainable societies: from economy to oeconomy
- Emerging forms of resistance and alternatives to a "classical" approach to market economy
- Territories and sectors, the pivotal actors of oeconomy in the twenty-first century
Session 5: The tools for knowledge and management of territorial ecosystems
- From Local Agenda 21 to a systemic approach to transition
- Modernity, Creator of Ignorance
- Membranes and Boundaries: Territorial Ecosystem Management in a Global Economy-
- To provide territories with the appropriate tools for knowledge and action: the concept of the OEconomic Territorial Agency
- From Schizophrenia to Coherence: From Municipal Socialism to Local Economic Democracy
Session 6: The Art of Governance Applied to Territorial Governance
- 1,2,3,4,5: Governance for Dummies
- The Art of Governance
- The eternal goals of governance
- The Four Levels of Governance
- The Five Principles of Governance
Session 7: Territorial management of relations between actors
- The republican tradition of a public monopoly on the public good
- Services of general interest in Europe, a range of possible models
- Education for Responsibility, A Prototype for Co-producing the Public Good?
- Citizen Involvement in City Design
- Citizen Involvement in City Management
Session 8: The management of relations between levels of governance and the principle of active subsidiarity
- The division of powers and the aporia of democracy
- Jacobin and Federal Systems: Opposing Discourses, Converging Practices-
- Cooperation between levels of governance, a categorical imperative
- Unity and diversity: from obligations of means to obligations of results
- Rich exchange of experience, the principle of active subsidiarity
Session 9: From public service to governance regimes for different goods and services
- Return of The Communes
- Property that gets destroyed when it’s divided-
- Property that divides by dividing but is in finite quantities
- Property that gets destroyed by dividing but is unlimited in amount
- Property multiplying by dividing-
- Diversity of Characteristics of Goods and Services
Session 10: Leading Strategies for Territorial Change
- Strategies for Change in Complex Systems
- Interconnected technical, conceptual, behavioral, institutional innovations-
- Behavioral change,systems change,a chicken-and-egg story?
- Are public systems impossible to reform as we hear so often?
- Scope and limits of managerial methods. Strategy and Planning
- Innovators, Theorists, Generalizers, Regulators: The Essential Agents of Change
- Steps in a change strategy-
Session 11: Territories and globalization: The challenge of international networks of cities and territories
- The Origin of City Networks: People’s Democracy and the Desire for Representation
- The multiplication of networks over the last few decades
- Twinning to Horizontal Globalization
- Towards an international system of exchange of experience
- The New Horizon: Cities and territories as major actors in the transition towards sustainable societies
- From networks of local authorities to networks of exchange between societies
Session 12: Overview of territorial governance: Learning together to manage and transform a complex system
- Relational atlas: Introduction
- Relational atlas - Lines: Components
- Relational atlas - Illustration
- Relational atlas - The Columns
- Relational atlas - Maps
Bonus Session on Latin America: International Focus: Governance in Latin America
- Origin and use of the concept of governance in Latin America
- First dimension of governance in Latin America: evaluation of public action
- First political dimension of governance in Latin America: the evolution of local public institutions
- Non-State Actors Participation in Local Public Action
- Study of the relationship between rulers and ruled in Latin America through two case studies
All of these sessions are available ici. This online training is complemented with resource sheets and case studies.