MOOC - Complementary currencies

2017-2018 - Implementation of the MOOC Complementary currencies, a new approach to territorial development. What role for local authorities? : CNFPT-INSET of Dunkerque with the participation of the Veblen Institute for Economic Reforms (Veblen)

Local currencies are still often perceived as a gadget, a means of exchange within small communities exchanging working time or a few services. What if they participated in a profound transformation of the approach to territories, exchange and currency? A conception of the organization of exchanges that echoes the emergence of multi-level governance? In any case, local and regional currencies are flourishing in various forms all over the world, they already know how to take advantage of the most modern technical means, electronic purses, telephone payments and are becoming a serious tool at the service of local authorities to boost the local economy, strengthen the community and combat social exclusion.

But to understand its meaning and future, we need to take a new look at money itself, discovering that it is rooted in an economic history that goes back to the Middle Ages, that there can be many forms of it, serving a variety of objectives.
The four-session online conference offers territories and communities wishing to better take their future into their own hands a panorama of objectives, concrete avenues, modalities and practical achievements.

This production can be used in training courses on economic development, social policies and public finance.

(Sessions are only available in French)

Session 1: Keys to understanding money, its functions, its role as a social link

Session 2 : Complementary currencies in territorial dynamics: panorama, challenges and perspectives.

Sessions 3 and 4: Complementary currencies in practice.

Session 5: Effects and impacts of complementary local currencies.

All of these sessions are available here