Small Towns of Tomorrow Programme: roll-out arrangements

September 2020

Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT)

The Small Towns of Tomorrow programme reflects the Government’s desire to give areas in difficulty the capacity to define and implement their territorial project, to simplify access to aid of all kinds, and to encourage the exchange of experience and the sharing of good practice by all the stakeholders in the local regeneration project and to contribute to the movement for change and transformation linked to the recovery plan. To meet these ambitions, Petites villes de demain is a framework for action designed to welcome all forms of contribution, over and above those from the State and the programme’s founding partners. The programme is being rolled out throughout France. It is available at local level.

To download : 20200930_pvd_guideprogramme.pdf (2.5 MiB)

1. A national framework that complements and consolidates local initiatives

Small Towns of Tomorrow is an integrating programme, rolled out at regional and departmental level, which works in harmony with existing local strategies. Based on the three pillars of the national support offer, PVD can be linked to the offer supported by local authorities (Regions, Departments) to consolidate local action in favour of small towns and simplify access to the support offer, by not multiplying the number of points of contact. Local and regional authorities can make a commitment alongside the State or link their own actions with the PVD programme in a privileged way within the framework of the new State-Region Plan Contracts and the Convergence and Transformation Contracts. Indeed, the territorial strand of the CPERs and CCTs makes it easier to organise the convergence of resources between the State, the Regions and the other signatories for the regeneration of small towns over the period 2021-2027.

The conditions for linking national and local offers will, in all cases, be the subject of discussions between State departments and local executives (Regions, Départements), and formalised in the CPER/CCT and/or in existing territorial development contracts (PETR, etc.). Other local players (CAUE, town planning agency, regional nature park, etc.) can be involved in these discussions to complete the range of services offered to the towns selected in the programme.

2. Simple agreements and governance for the beneficiary towns and inter-municipalities

Small Towns for Tomorrow is based on a decentralised and devolved approach; it is at local level that support for projects is drawn up and approved, in compliance with the management rules of the partners. Small Towns of Tomorrow is a comprehensive, multi-year programme. It accelerates and reinforces the actions planned and carried out as part of territorial contractualisation, and in particular the Territorial Revitalisation Operations (ORT). As such, the Small Towns of Tomorrow agreement is not an additional contractual tool, but rather an enhancement or initiation of the contractual relationship between the State and the local authority.

For the beneficiary municipalities and their EPCIs, the support process gives rise to the signing of a membership agreement, followed by the signing of a framework agreement, which is equivalent to a regional revitalisation operation (ORT). Signed by the municipality(ies) benefiting from the programme, the main town of the EPCI, and the EPCI, the State, the Banque des territoires, local authorities that so wish (Regions, Departments) and the partners associated with the programme, this framework agreement sets out the respective commitments of the partners.

In areas where governance has already been put in place as part of local support schemes (e.g. Action Cœur de Ville or ecological transition contracts), priority will be given to coordinating or even unifying existing bodies so as not to increase the number of committees, with a view to supporting the regional project. In addition, the implementation of an integrated project will also facilitate access to aid that is not specific to PVD, whether provided by the State, its operators, local authorities or other partners.

At local level

Stakeholders involved in local governance:

After approval by the regional funding committee, the departmental prefect signs the framework agreement on behalf of the State and its agencies, for which he is the local delegate (ANAH, ANCT).

The prefect appoints a PVD referent to the programme management team, who will also be the main point of contact for the towns during the selection and implementation phase. As far as possible, this contact person will be the same as the one appointed for the Action Cœur de Ville programme.

The prefect will be supported by the various decentralised government departments (prefectoral departments, DDT(M)/DEAL and their advisors, UDAP, DDCS, etc. depending on the local issues).

Depending on local circumstances, the following may also be involved:


Local authorities are asked to set up two types of organisation at local level:

At regional level


The Regional Funding Committee (Comité régional des financeurs) set up under article R1232-11 of the CGCT coordinates the financial commitments for projects submitted by the towns in the programme. However, each funder remains the decision-maker and is responsible for its own resources.

At national level

Small Towns of Tomorrow is a support programme of the ANCT, which coordinates the ministries, operators and partners involved.

A programme directorate has been set up within ANCT. It is responsible for preparing and monitoring the decisions taken by the national coordination committee, liaising with the SGAR departments and running the scheme in close liaison with the partners, the directorates-general of the ministries concerned and the decentralised departments.

The membership agreement to develop / consolidate the regeneration strategy

The beneficiary municipality and its EPCI can sign a membership agreement with the aim of :

This membership agreement is adapted accordingly for areas that have already undertaken to set up a regional regeneration operation (ORT). It is up to the prefect, the ANCT’s territorial delegate, to ensure the quality of upstream partnership discussions, to be organised according to the local context and existing committees. Signing the membership agreement enables the first grants to be made and the development (or consolidation) of the territory’s project to begin, through: - Triggering co-financing for the post of project manager.

At the same time, the municipality and its EPCI will be able to request engineering support and funding from the partners to launch the mature actions identified in the membership agreement. The rapid operational nature of these actions will be assessed on the basis of :

The revitalisation strategy (diagnosis, ambition, phased and territorialised action plan) will be included in the framework agreement that is valid as an ORT agreement.

The multi-year framework agreement to implement the revitalisation project

The multi-year framework agreement, which takes the form of an ORT agreement, makes it possible to mobilise the resources of the various partners on the basis of a diagnosis, a revitalisation strategy and an action plan. It includes the following elements:

1. Preamble :

2. The revitalisation strategy adopted

3. The general commitment of the partners to help implement the strategy (financial credits and other resources).

4. Methods of governance, steering, monitoring/evaluation, involvement of local residents and civil society.

5. Appendices
