School: a place to experiment with and encourage commitment to local sustainable development?


Monde pluriel

To download : 2015_mondepluriel_dossiercomplet.pdf (1.1 MiB)

School is a microcosm where young people can perform concrete sustainable development experiments, for example in composting, urban agriculture, garbage collection and recycling, social integration, energy conservation, soft mobility, etc. Similarly, schools can become territorial actors: the energy saved by schools contributes positively to the territory’s energy balance, when food is produced locally it does not have to be imported from far away, a class can offer to clean part of the city, schools can participate in Agenda 21 projects, etc.

In this dossier, delegates who participated in the Let’s Take Care of the Planet project were asked to provide information on experiences in the field. Partners’ experiences were also collected to shed light on different types of projects, for example participative mapping in Spain, and pedagogical projects in a number of French territories (Bobigny, Etang de Berre, Lycée de Die in the Drôme department, etc.). The sheets that follow present part of the PSP project (Prenons Soin de la Planète - Let’s take care of the planet) implemented since 2010, focusing on France and Europe, and also look at other experiences such as regional policies (Eco-responsible secondary schools in the Rhone-Alpes region), and the Carboschools network, etc.

This dossier is not available in English. Please contact us if you want to help us translate part of our contents.

4 analysis

8 case studies

3 proposals

A resource