Circular economy
A dossier
6 analysis
- Waste : between illegal flows and local recycling, waste processing is undergoing radical change
- Towards a metabolic approach to urban spaces
- Quelle économie circulaire ?
- L’économie circulaire en action
- Introduction a l’économie circulaire
- La finitude des ressources
7 case studies
- Circular cities and territories: from theory to practice
- Naples (IT) - When locals reawaken big empty buildings
- L’obsolescence programmée : théorie, actualité et pistes pour l’avenir
- De la gestion des déchets des ménages au développement de l’économie circulaire
- L’économie circulaire comme principe d’organisation : exemples et initiatives concrètes
- L’analyse des flux de matières à l’échelle de la France
- Zero emissions in Birkenfeld.
4 proposals
- Energy Cities proposition 19 - Dedicate human capacities in financial engineering
- Energy Cities proposition 18 - Integrate future energy prices in the economic calculations made prior to investment decisions
- Energy Cities proposition 16 - Keep money spent on energy near to home
- Energy Cities proposition 13 - Make the best use of energy and material flows by encouraging synergies between players