Mobility policy and transition
3 analysis
- Developing intermodality in our region
- Territorial disparities in mobility
- Is there a passenger in the car? Summary document
8 case studies
- Car sharing in Déodatie to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges of mobility
- Taking on the role of mobility organising authority - the pioneering example of the Lunévillois region
- Facilitar la movilidad sostenible en el marco del proyecto regional
- Facilitating sustainable mobility as part of the regional project
- Inventory of existing actions promoting cross-border mobility for training and employment
- Baden-Württemberg - Industrial production pushes region away from 2020 targets
- California - Results led by decarbonation of electricity
- Lombardy - A concentrated effort on energy efficiency
4 resources
- Make cycling accessible to everyone, from an early age and throughout life!
- Mobility at the heart of the Territorial Poles and Countries
- The mobility plan: a business travel solution
- Mobilité urbaine, cinq scénarios pour un débat