Technical and social innovations in the mobility of people
5 analysis
- The climate challenge and the environmental impact of mobility
- Determinar el potencial del coche compartido…
- Determining the potential of carpooling…
- Réinventer la mobilité : une autre bataille numérique
- Nouvelles technologies, mobilités actives et systèmes innovants
8 case studies
- Mobility for all
- A cross-disciplinary approach to employment and mobility in the Limousin Chataigneraie region
- Car sharing in Déodatie to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges of mobility
- Taking on the role of mobility organising authority - the pioneering example of the Lunévillois region
- Transport and Inequality in Freetown
- Carpooling in the Jura Arc
- Cross-border tramway between Strasbourg and Kehl
- Quelle place pour l’automobile dans la ville ?