MOOC - Participative Democracy

2016 - Realization of the MOOC Participatory Democracy: CNFPT-INSET with the participation of the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes; Collectif Pouvoir d’Agir; Reconstructing Public Action (RAP)

Participatory democracy refers to procedures, instruments and mechanisms to promote citizen participation in decision-making, management and control of public affairs. It also raises many questions about the relationship between citizens, elected officials and experts. What is the role of each actor? What are the subjects on which citizens should be solicited? In what form are citizens solicited? Who is at the origin of participatory approaches? How can we ensure that the process runs smoothly? What are the contributions of participatory democracy to the improvement of public action and life in society?

This online course has been designed to provide some answers to these questions and proposes to the trainees to place participatory democracy at the heart of the transformation of public action and the transformation of relations between citizens, elected officials and experts. The choice was made to give a voice to a diversity of actors: consultants, researchers, practitioners, associations, elected officials and citizens. This choice aims to shed light on different points of view on the nature of participatory democracy and on the mechanisms that implement them.

(The sessions are only available in French)

Session 1: Concepts and history of participatory democracy.

Session 2: Changes in public action and public service in relation to citizen participation

Session 3: Consolidating participatory governance of public action and public services

Session 4: Citizen involvement in urban public action: challenges and modalities of participation

Session 5: Process and Effects of Citizen Evaluation of Public Action

Session 6: Citizen Empowerment on Complex Issues: Technical Democracy

Session 7: Participatory democracy, a rather reassuring failure?!

Session 8: Conclusion and Background

All of these sessions are available ici. This online training is complemented with resource sheets and case studies.

You can also listen to it in audio version on the CNFPT’s webradio, Fréquence T.