Raising awareness of nature-related issues among urban policy players

janvier 2024

Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT)

In order to promote inter-knowledge between those involved in nature and urban policy, the participants in the Fabrique Prospective came out in favour of the creation of a digital community. This community would be integrated into the Grande Équipe platform, run by the ANCT. This community proposes a number of ways of raising awareness of environmental issues among urban policy players.

À télécharger : fp_qpv_nature_complet_29_janvier_0.pdf (11 Mio)

The ‘Nature and QPV’ community could offer :

Training urban policy professionals in nature-related issues

The ANCT provides a wide range of training courses for all State employees working in priority neighbourhoods or interested in urban policy: the essentials of urban policy, urban policy subsidies, training for prefect’s delegates and thematic or partnership training courses (National Centre for Territorial Public Service, urban policy resource centre, urban renewal school, etc.). In addition, participants in the Fabrique Prospective suggested that modules on nature-related issues be incorporated into these training courses. These modules could be designed by the ANCT and the OFB along the lines of those proposed as part of the Small Towns of Tomorrow programme, which in 2023 included:

Participants in the Fabrique Prospective also stressed the value of face-to-face training at regional level via the CRPVs, which could also facilitate the organisation of learning visits.
