Incentive funding and grants
4 case studies
- Adapting to coastline retreat: « Coastline retreat - AXIS 2 » aid
- Taking on the role of mobility organising authority - the pioneering example of the Lunévillois region
- De l’État pompier à l’État stratège : des fonctionnaires entreprenants boostent des entreprises performantes
- L’opération Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée
A proposal
15 resources
- Electrification of trucks
- Government schemes that can be used by local authorities to support reindustrialisation
- Biodiversity and landscapes: European LIFE funding programme
- Incentives and accompanying measures to encourage the use of sustainable modes of transport
- Public funding for the energy transition in transport
- Major public policies for sustainable mobility
- « France vue sur mer » (UK - France sea view)
- Making cycling a lever for our economy by supporting the ecosystem of French players in the sector
- Renovating outdoor lighting: funding assistance
- Rénover l’éclairage extérieur : aides au financement
- Mobilising European funds in favour of the SSE
- Contractualisation modes between regions and SSE actors
- Contractualisation methods between departments and SSE actors
- Modes de contractualisation entre collectivités et acteurs de l’ESS
- The mobility plan: a business travel solution