Recycl’Occ Textile
Déniché pour vous 119 file
April 2023
Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Economie Solidaire (RTES)
The « Déniché pour Vous » files have been developed by the RTES. They present local initiatives in France, their environment, their purpose and their development, with particular emphasis on the role of local authorities. Whether the initiatives focus on the energy transition, shared spaces, the circular economy, food, sustainable mobility, immigration or digital technology, these case studies offer an instructive immersion in the field of territorial social innovation.
Considered the second most polluting industry in the world, with an estimated 1.2 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year, the textile sector needs to change direction. Too little use is made of the sector’s « waste », and recycling solutions are underdeveloped. These are the limits to the sustainability of the industrial textile economy. An action-study was launched in January 2020 with the support of the Occitanie Region and ADEME to identify ways of consolidating the sector and structuring a cooperation tool. The association was therefore created on 16 April 2021 by more than 30 players in the sector and is developing structured actions around recycling, learning to cooperate and technical, economic and social innovations.
To download : fiche_deniche_pour_vous_n_119_-_recycl_occ_textile_3.pdf (510 KiB)
Origin and presentation of the initiative
Faced with major changes in the textile sector, a number of social organisations involved in the textile recovery chain in Occitanie began a process of reflection and action at the beginning of 2019 with a view to creating a cooperative structure to serve players in the sector, promoting environmental and social values. In April 2021, manufacturers, social integration associations and environmental players created the Recycl’Occ Textile association, which works to reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry in Occitanie, by leading a community of players in the service of a circular textile economy, i.e. an economy that limits waste production as much as possible thanks to the reuse and recycling of textiles. An initial meeting organised in April 2019 by the Occitanie Region brought together around 40 players on this subject. In July 2020, a collective of stakeholders including heads of employment inclusion networks (UNEA, Chantier Ecole Occitanie, la fédération des acteurs de la solidarité Occitanie, la fédération des entreprises d’insertion Occitanie), companies (Abid’Occ, Emmaüs France, Paul Boyé, Vertex) and the Ecole des Mines d’Alès, has commissioned the Fédération des entreprises d’insertion Occitanie to carry out a study-action aimed at creating a cooperation structure to serve players in the Occitanie TLC (Textile-Household Linen-Shoes) sector, with financial support from the Occitanie Region and ADEME. The action study, presented at the Regional Circular Economy Forum in November 2020, confirmed the value of creating a regional cooperation structure responsible for developing the circular textile economy in Occitanie and proposed several strategic development areas to be retained. The constituent general meeting of the Recycl’Occ Textile cluster association was held in April 2021.

Today, Recycl’Occ Textile is developing numerous actions structured around 3 strategic axes:
Recycling: R&D support for the industrial recycling of polyester, experimentation with manual material sorting, recovery of poly-cotton waste into insulation, RECYCLocal® (creation of a regional value chain for textile recycling).
Leadership & skills: strategic intelligence, monthly newsletter, « Solutions & synergies » meetings for members, development and distribution of training programmes, organisation of the Festival de la Nouvelle Mode, support and advice for members.
Related activities & sales solutions: circular textile library, network of repair workshops ("Les Réparables" spin-off), structuring of an upcycling centre (prototyping workshop, production of small series and provision of premises for young upcycling brands), sourcing of materials, production and marketing of « circular » textile articles.
Business model
Prior to the creation of the association, aid granted to the Fédération des entreprises d’insertion to carry out a study-action (Occitanie Region: €20,500 / ADEME: €13,260) and promote cooperation between players in the TLC sector (Region: €10,000).
In 2021, state funding of €100,000 as a winner of the AMI « Pôle Territorial de Coopération Économique (PTCE) émergents ».
In 2021/22, funding for promotion (Region/ADEME: €18,000 each), an action study for a circular text library (Region: €10,500) and preparations for the Nouvelle Mode festival (Region: €15,000).
In 2023, funding for the RECYCLocal programme, the circular textile library and the festival (ADEME: €20,000 / Region: €50,000).
Role of local authorities
With its RECYCLocal® programme, Recycl’Occ helps local authorities and businesses to optimise the recovery of their textile waste. The first contract for the collection of professional textiles from the Toulouse Metropolitan Area has just been signed. The AGAPEI (ESAT member of Recycl’Occ Textile) has been entrusted with this operation. A new training course for people with disabilities has also been launched in partnership with the Institut Français du Textile et de l’Habillement. At the same time, to raise public awareness of the need for eco-responsible textile consumption, Recycl’Occ Textile is organising the first Festival de la Nouvelle Mode (New Fashion Festival) from 9 to 11 June 2023, with the support of the Metropolitan Council and the City of Montpellier (provision of a venue, communications support, loan of equipment, etc.) to raise awareness of the impact of fast fashion and discover solutions for responsible consumption.