Moselle (57): young people fight against harassment
Le Magazine Du Centre National De La Fonction Publique Territoriale – N° 44 – Juin 2021
June 2021
Centre National de la Fonction Publique Territoriale (CNFPT)
The academy contributes to the public policy of prevention and fight against harassment between peers and against cyber-violence, organised around 4 axes: awareness, prevention, training, care. In Moselle, at the initiative of the Conseil Départemental Junior (CDJ), anti-harassment ambassadors have been recruited and trained. They make their fellow students aware of the phenomenon of harassment and, more broadly, of respect for others, being attentive to others, spotting the signs of harassment and talking about it, etc. This network of high school ambassadors also contributes to the training of middle school ambassadors. For the first year 2019-2020, 260 secondary school students have been trained.
To download : service_public_territorial_juin_2021_numero_44.pdf (980 KiB)

« What are you doing? This is the name given by the Junior Departmental Council (CDJ) of Moselle to its campaign against harassment, which was initiated, designed and carried out from A to Z by the young counsellors. To carry out this project, they took the time to consult associations in charge of these issues, and established contacts with their counterparts in a Belgian youth parliament. They researched and understood that in a harassment situation, there are often three people: the harasser, the person being harassed and the person who witnesses but does not react. This observation led them to build the campaign so that everyone has the means to say no.
The campaign opened in September 2020 with the broadcasting on social networks of the film « La spirale infernale » (The infernal spiral) made by the young people and a call for competition. Young people were invited to post their own fiction, song or dance videos on this theme. A second stage has since opened up: generating meetings with social action partners around these videos and creating a weekly show on their youtube channel. The confinement has slowed down the initiatives, but not the desire of the young people to go all the way with the project.
« Harassment is a real concern for young people: all the candidates for the presidency of the Junior Departmental Council in 2018 had put it on their agenda, without consulting each other. So we were not surprised that they took up this issue. The initiative was born out of their dissatisfaction with the way adults were dealing with this issue. They pointed out that the focus is often limited to school bullying, whereas the phenomenon is much broader, affecting the street, social networks, etc. And also that the harasser is not always a child or a young person. The junior departmental councillors had the impression that through prevention campaigns or media discourse, young people were often stigmatised. It is very important that they themselves carry out this campaign project. It ensured that the young people were not out of step with the target audience, that they were hitting the mark. »
Emmanuel Péché, Head of the department’s Youth Service.
Project sheet
Since 2011, the Moselle department has set up a Junior Departmental Council, to involve young people in projects that concern them and to act as a link between them. Elected in 2018, the young councillors wanted to carry out an action against harassment.
Production of a film entirely designed by the young people, launch of a competition « And you do what? » to encourage young people to post videos on this theme, animation work around this campaign on social networks and with local actors to create events.