Social Justice
6 analysis
- The Climate Conferences - Deepening action through public and private investment and regulation
- L’énergie fossile
- The right to the city
- La Plateforme Mondiale pour le droit à la ville
- Local sustainability and changes in political culture
- Droits économiques, sociaux et culturels (DESC) et Services publics
4 case studies
- Urban policy : sustainable and solidarity food in neighbourhoods
- The law versus the city
- Le community organizing : un syndicalisme de quartier
- Y-a-t-il une affiliation entre « Occupy City Hall » et « Occupy Wall Street »?
3 proposals
- The Climate Conferences - The political lessons of the Climate Conferences
- The Climate Conferences - Can action through price signals lead to an obligation of result and under what conditions?
- Quand la politique de la ville s’estompe